Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory-II

  • Theodore Millon, PhD, DSc
  • Robert Tringone, PhD
  • Seth Grossman, PsyD
  • Carrie Millon, PhD
The MACI®-II  (Millon® Adolescent Clinical Inventory-II) was developed specifically for teens and adolescents to assess mental health and behavior concerns often unique to their age group, and assist in making reliable diagnostic and treatment decisions. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

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Prices include GST where applicable
  • MACI-II Handscore Answer Keys Set Qty 1 (Print)
    A103000165524 Qualification Level C

    Includes set of 44 Answer Keys

    SGD 506.62

  • MACI-II Manual (Print)
    A103000165340 Qualification Level C

    SGD 121.60

    Estimated to ship:1-2 weeks
  • MACI-II Q-global Interpretive Administration/Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    A103000165548 Qualification Level C

    SGD 60.95

    1-4 SGD 60.95
    5-49 SGD 56.30
    50-99 SGD 54.79
    100-249 SGD 53.31
    250+ SGD 51.81
    Savings are estimated
  • MACI-II Handscore Profile Sheets Qty 25 (Print)
    A103000165342 Qualification Level C

    SGD 71.18

    Estimated to ship:1-2 weeks
  • MACI-II Q-global Manual (Digital)
    A103000165530 Qualification Level C

    Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.

    SGD 120.43

  • MACI-II Q-global Profile Administration/Report Qty 1 (Digital)
    A103000165534 Qualification Level C

    SGD 46.16

    1-4 SGD 46.16
    5-49 SGD 42.84
    50-99 SGD 41.52
    100-249 SGD 40.36
    250+ SGD 39.19
    Savings are estimated
  • MACI-II Response Booklets/Answer Sheets Qty 25 (Print)
    A103000165344 Qualification Level C

    Includes test items and Answer Sheet; for use with either Q Local or Q-global systems

    SGD 67.75

    1-4 SGD 67.75
    5-24 SGD 64.42
    25-74 SGD 62.61
    75+ SGD 61.11
    Savings are estimated
    Estimated to ship:1-2 weeks
  • MACI-II Handscore Starter Kit (Print)
    A103000165526 Qualification Level C

    Includes Manual (Print), 25 handscore Profile Sheets (Print), 25 Response Booklets with Answer Sheets (Print), and handscore Answer Keys including Facet Scales (Print)

    SGD 709.00

  • MACI-II: Administration, Scoring, and Basic Interpretation · On Demand · 3.5 Hours
    A103000250452 Qualification Level B

    This learning is designed for all users of the MACI–II who want to increase their knowledge of the assessment. This learning track consists of three modules and is approximately 3.5 hours long. Narrated by the test author, Dr. Robert Tringone, this offering includes an overview of the theoretical foundation, development, and standardization of the MACI–II and detailed lessons on administration, scoring, and interpretation of the assessment.

    SGD 431.31


Age range:


Reading Level:

4th grade

Publication date:

March 2020

Qualification level:


Completion time:

20-25 minutes (160 true/false items)


  Paper-and-pencil, computer, or online administration     

Scoring options:

Q-global web-based, Q Local software, Manual Scoring, or Mail-in Scoring

Report Options:

Interpretive and Profile Reports


Combined gender; clinical patients in outpatient, inpatient, and residential treatment settings

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Product Details

The MACI-II helps practitioners from a variety of settings assess personality patterns, expressed concerns, and clinical symptoms while its therapeutic focus will assist in making reliable diagnostic and treatment decisions.

Developed for teens. Updated for today.

New features

  • New and updated test items
  • New and improved narrative report content that is simpler and better integrates results with current therapeutic practice while linking to personalized treatment.
  • Three new Clinical Syndrome scales (Disruptive Mood Dysregulation, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Reality Distortions), to reflect current clinical presentations and providing deeper understanding of clients presenting with these concerns
  • Full normative update (N = 1,143, combined gender), more closely representing the current clinical adolescent population
  • Updated Grossman Facet Scales, including three new scales
  • Test item content uses age appropriate language and reading level was lowered to 4th Grade
  • New digital end-to-end workflow with the introduction of a digital manual option via Q-global, Pearson's web-based scoring and reporting platform
  • New and updated Noteworthy Response categories
  • Validated against expert clinician judgments and other leading self-report inventories for this age group


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Frequently asked questions follow. Click on a question to see the response.

Test Content and Norms

When is it appropriate to use the MACI–II?

The MACI–II is appropriate for use with adolescents, ages 13–18, who are undergoing psychological assessment and/or treatment and have at least grade 4 reading skills. The MACI–II should be used to identify and clarify clinical concerns of adolescents who exhibit problematic emotional, behavioral, or interpersonal symptoms; who are referred for a psychological evaluation; or are undergoing professional psychotherapy. It is not a general personality instrument and should not be used with nonclinical populations. See the MACI–II Manual for additional information.

Individuals over the age of 18 should be administered the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory–IV (MCMI–IV), rather than the MACI–II. Individuals between the ages of 9 and 12 should be administered the Million Pre-Adolescent Clinical Inventory (M–PACI).

Is the MACI–II appropriate for use with nonclinical individuals?

No. The normative sample consisted only of individuals seen in a clinical setting for psychological evaluation and/or treatment. For normal personality assessment, the Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory (MAPI) test should be used.

What populations have been used to norm the MACI–II?

The normative sample for the MACI–II consists of a nationally representative sample of 1,143 adolescents, ages 13-18, who were being seen for psychological evaluation and/or treatment. The demographic characteristics for the MACI–II sample resemble the population of adolescents who are involved in mental health assessment and/or therapeutic treatment with respect to age, race and ethnicity, gender, education level, and setting. See chapter 4 of the MACI–II Manual for additional details on the normative sample.

In what settings can the MACI–II be used?

The MACI–II is designed to provide information about adolescents undergoing psychological or psychiatric assessment or treatment across a variety of settings and applications, including outpatient clinics, mental health centers, schools, hospitals, independent and group practice offices, residential facilities, and forensic settings.

What new features were added to the MACI–II?

The following changes were made to develop the newest edition of the MACI:

  • Completed a full normative update based on a combined gender sample of 1,143 adolescents to more closely represent the current clinical adolescent population
  • Added three new Clinical Syndrome scales (Disruptive Mood Dysregulation, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Reality Distortions), to reflect current clinical presentations
  • Added two new response validity indicators to detect non-content-based responding (Inconsistency and Response Negativity)
  • Updated and created new test items to increase clarity and clinical relevance
  • Improved and simplified narrative report content that better integrates results with therapeutic practice and links to personalized treatment
  • Updated the Grossman Facet Scales, including three new scales
  • Lowered reading level to grade 4
  • Updated and created new Noteworthy Response categories
  • Added a new option to present scale scores using scale abbreviations
What is the purpose of the Grossman Facet Scales?

The facet scales help pinpoint the specific personality processes (e.g., self-image, interpersonal relations) that underlie overall elevations on the Personality Pattern scales, thereby aiding in the interpretation of those scales. For each of the primary personality scales, three scales measuring facets are reported as specified by Millon's theory as prominent structural or functional features of that personality pattern. Thus, there are 33 total facet scales tied to the 11 primary personality scales.

What are the Noteworthy Responses?

Several items on the MACI–II are considered noteworthy when endorsed. These items are intended to alert clinicians to item-level information worthy of special attention that deserves either interpretive consideration, or immediate clinical intervention. The MACI–II has 12 noteworthy response categories. See appendix B of the MACI–II Manual for a complete list of noteworthy response categories and items.

What are the main differences between the MAPI and the MACI–II?

The MACI–II was specifically designed to evaluate adolescents with clinical symptoms, and the normative population consists of adolescents in a variety of clinical settings. The MAPI test was designed to identify adolescent personality characteristics and was normed primarily on individuals in settings where clinical problems were not assumed.

The MACI–II includes Clinical Syndromes scales. The MAPI test includes a Behavioral Correlates section.

Do I need to switch to the new MACI–II if I am already using the MACI?

While the original MACI will continue to be available for some time, it is considered best practice to begin using new versions of psychological assessments in a timely manner once they become available. Publications such as the current American Psychological Association (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct and the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing provide guidance about the use of obsolete tests. Most practitioners make the move to the new edition within 8–12 months of the release. Consider your own practice situation and how critical the evaluations you conduct are when making the decision. For example, in cases where the older edition is used, and a forensic or independent evaluation is requested, clinicians may be at a greater risk of having results called into question.

Why does the MACI–II use combined-gender norms?

When using gender-based norms, a given raw score may yield a different scaled score for males and females, thus creating different standards for males and females. That is, identical raw scores on a test are considered to have different meanings depending on an individual’s biological sex. In contrast, combined-gender norms apply the same standard to test scores for both males and females and reflect, rather than mask, actual gender differences. In general, the field of psychological assessment has moved towards combined-gender norms for two main reasons. First, the application of tests in certain areas, such as employment or forensic settings, is governed by laws that prohibit the use of group-specific norms. Second, meaningful gender differences may exist in the expression or experience of various forms of psychopathology, which would be obscured by the use of gender-specific norms. In consideration of this, the MACI–II uses a single set of raw to base rate (BR) score transformations for males and females in each age group, and the transformations were determined using a combined-gender norm group. This approach ensures that true differences between adolescent males and females in the characteristics measured by the MACI–II are preserved in the conversion of raw to standardized scores. Table 4.4 in the MACI–II Manual shows the BR score means and standard deviations by gender and age band for each of the 24 scales, which can be used as a reference point for individual examinees.

Scoring and Reporting

How can the MACI–II be scored?

The MACI–II can be digitally scored using Q–global, Q Local, or by mailing the completed last page of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet to Pearson's mail-in scoring service. It can also be hand scored; however, digital scoring is required to generate a report.

What are Q–global and Q Local?

Q–global is Pearson's secure web-based platform that offers onscreen administration of assessments and scoring and reporting capabilities that are accessible from any device connected to the Internet (e.g., laptop or tablet). It allows for quick and automatic organization of examinee information and the ability to generate scores and produce accurate and detailed results. Reports are generated as PDFs.

Q Local is Pearson's secure desktop-based system that offers onscreen administration of assessments and scoring and reporting capabilities. It does not require an Internet connection for administration, scoring, or reporting.

Will recording the wrong sex make a difference on the profile?

The MACI–II has combined gender norms, so the results will not be affected. However, if a report is generated, it will refer to the gender recorded on the test. If no gender is selected, a report with gender-neutral language will be generated.

Will recording the wrong birth date make a difference on the profile?

Yes. There are two age bands in the normative group, ages 13–15 and 16–18. Each age band has its own set of norms, and an incorrect birth date may result in using the wrong normative group.

What are base rate scores?

Base rate (BR) scores are a kind of standardized score that differs from standardized scores that are reported for most personality and clinical inventories (e.g., T scores). Instead of standardizing all scales in the inventory to the same mean and standard deviation (e.g., a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10) in the inventory's normative sample, base rate scores are scaled to reflect the differing prevalence rates of the characteristics measured by the inventory. Base rate scores are used across all the Millon inventories. See the MACI–II Manual for a more complete description of the rationale and implementation of base rate scores.

Why is the MACI–II invalid if the scores on Scales 1–8B are all less than 60 BR?

In this case, no clear personality pattern has emerged from the assessment data and therefore no interpretation can be made.

How are Grossman Facet Scale results reported?

The Profile Report includes a graph of the most salient facet scale scores and a table of all 33 facet scale scores. The Interpretive Report includes the graph, the table, and a section with interpretive text about the scales. Printing facet scale results is optional for both the Profile Report and the Interpretive Report.

What is the difference between a Profile and Interpretive Report?

The MACI–II provides two reporting options: a Profile Report and an Interpretive Report. The Profile Report provides base rate and percentile rank scores for all 24 scales in an easy-to-read graph. This report can help clinicians quickly identify clients who may require more intensive evaluation. The Interpretive Report provides an in-depth analysis of personality and symptom dynamics in addition to the base rate and percentile scores. Written with a therapeutic focus, the Interpretive Report provides the clinician with a foundation upon which diagnostic impressions and treatment plans can readily be made and includes a comprehensive guide for therapeutic management. To view a sample Profile and Interpretive Report, click here.

Can I use the MACI–II for research purposes?

Yes! The MACI–II is well-suited to conduct research on personality types and psychopathology. It consists of objective, quantified, and theory-grounded individual scale scores and profile patterns that can be used to generate and test a variety of clinical, experimental, and demographic hypotheses.

Pearson offers a Research Assistance Program (RAP) to encourage post-publication research that provides new information about the applications and characteristics of the MACI–II. Learn more about the RAP program.


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