Dyslexia Screening Test-Junior

  • Rod Nicolson
  • Angela Fawcett

The Dyslexia Screening Test-Junior is designed for early identification of students at risk for reading failure. The DST-J replaces the best selling DST and reflects changes in theory and practice, with additional subtests, validation studies, and case histories.

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    From USD 112.46
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  • DST-J Record Forms Qty 50 (Print)
    9780749121723 Qualification Level A

    USD 112.46

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Publication date:
Age range:
6:6–11:5 years
Qualification level:
Completion time:
30 minutes
Based on UK population

Product Details

The DST-J provides a profile of strengths and weaknesses which can be used to guide the development of in-school support for the student.


  • New Rhyming subtest: Measures phonological ability. Studies have identified rhyming as an important skill in learning to read.
  • New Vocabulary subtest: Measures receptive vocabulary and reasoning ability in a multiple choice format. This provides additional information to help in developing the IEP.

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DST-J India

If you are interested in DST-J India, please visit the Pearson Clinical India website.